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On Saturday and Sunday you will have the chance to participate in three different small-group experiences.  When you register, you will be asked to rank your preference for each of these and will be assigned to each of the three groups that will take place.


Explore the unconscious through dreamwork and the imagination by experimenting with a variety of approaches:

The Unconscious as Ally 
with Dr. Didi Firman


In this small group process, we will play with the unconscious as it shows up in dreams, in daily life, in synchronicity and intuition and in the imagination. We

will start with assumption that all that we carry or access from our own unconscious or the collective unconscious can be used as an ally. Even the nightmares can be befriended towards our own growth and well being.


Especially in difficult times, be they personal or cultural, trusting the unconscious widens our scope of possibility and responsiveness. By accessing our larger knowing, we can choose beyond old and limiting stories and into

new and expansive ones. To trust our unconscious is to build a bridge between our Higher self and our personality, allowing us to live resonantly with our inner Call of Self.


Learning some simple methods for being open to the unconscious, working with it, and knowing how to keep it contained, as needed, allows participants to have a fluid relationship between conscious and unconscious words, between waking and sleeping, between knowing and not knowing! Issues that have been hard to resolve may find easier resolution in this alliance. Equally, intuitions,

gut feelings and desires can be allowed into the conscious mind for inclusion and consideration. Learning to have a strong centered Self, facilitates the interplay between these worlds.

Deepening Our Connection with Nature through Embodied Imagination® Dreamwork Practice
with Rebecca L. Peterson, MA, EIP


In this dream workshop participants will learn about methods of Embodied Imagination® which can help shift habitual ego-consciousness into a deeper connection with Nature.


Dreamers learn to re-enter the dream environment in a hypnagogic state while maintaining a state of mindful observation of embodied states in the present moment. As the ability to experience multiple perspectives in the dreamworld develops, so does the waking ego become more flexible, which allows new information from the natural world to penetrate and interact with the psyche.

The experience of all things of the world as truly sentient can help discover creative solutions to environmental devastations the world is facing as a result of human activity.


This work may bring up varying emotional responses to challenges we face about Nature, which can be psychically painful. In the group work we learn to hold the emotional space for the dreamer with compassionate empathy.


Participants will practice deep listening toward the Other

which includes the dream figures as well as the dreamer.

Projective Dreamwork
with Dr. Arnold Hook


In Projective Dreamwork, we enter shared dreams through the imagination, envisioning the dream experience, and bringing our assumptions, associations, past experiences and personal dramas to the process of imagining the dream, so that we extract the many layers of meaning intrinsic in dreams.


Experience the power of doing dreamwork in a group. The group brings so much depth to what we discover about ourselves through dreams. You will be surprised and filled with wonder with what our dreams can tell us about our stages of life, relationships with self and others, our health and maybe even what the future may have in store for us. Whether the dream we work with is yours or that of another person, we will all find paths for healing and wholeness. 


Arnold has been doing this work only for a comparatively brief time in his personal and professional life, drawing his inspiration from the much longer career of his mentor, Jeremy Taylor.

Sound Imagination: Exploring Dream Images with Vocal Sound Sensitivity 
with Dr. Sven Doehner


We will actively engage dream images in a re-experience of them in a waking state of consciousness.  The approach is non-interpretive and Archetypal.  Rather than “understand”, the task is to develop perceptive skill and abilities needed to allow us to move from our “ideas about” the dream into a consciously palpable present “experience of” it, in order to truly convert “looking" into “seeing", and “hearing" into deep “listening”. Our goal is to turn invisible aspects of dream images into palpable experiences, at the service of restoring movement to our Being. 


While belief systems will be challenged, participants will personally experience innovative ways of working with dreams (their own and others). Come open and willing to engage in an experiential learning approach to dream-work. 


On Saturday and Sunday you will have the chance to engage in dialogue with our panel experts, both in panel discussions and round tables.


Explore the transpersonal layers of our health and wholeness through these lenses:

Physical & Mental Health and the Unconscious

with Alison Bastien, Montserrat Brito, Dr. Bruno Ceolin, Amanda García, Dayana Paz, Laura Rodríguez

Emotional & Spiritual Health and the Imagination 


with Jenny Clarke, Didi Firman, Karen Herold, Sakura Nimura, Laura Rodríguez, Matthew Wyman

Dreams & Health: Concluding Remarks

with Sven Doehner, Lauren Herold, Arnold Hook, Hsuieh Dean Lee, Rebecca L. Peterson, Wilka M. Roig Rivera

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