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On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday you will have the chance to participate in five of six dynamic, experiential workshops that will enhance and deepen your dreaming & healing experience.  Special discounts apply when you register for 3 or more workshops.

Women’s Wisdom Circle: Tending the Sacred Fire with Jenny Clarke, MATP, RYT, LMT

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 4:00PM-8:00PM


Make self-care a priority in your life and join this Women's Wisdom Circle that will provide authentic connection by holding "circle space." You will be guided through specific practices that will become essential tools you can easily integrate into your everyday life:  Sisterhood and the Circle to honor our unique wisdom medicine, nurturing embodiment practices for restoring a connection to our "root," igniting the creative spark and reclaiming the Wild Woman through storytelling and expressive art.

Psychosynthesis and Imagination with Dr. Dorothy Firman

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 10:00AM-2:00PM


With an emphasis on the use of imagination, both in waking and dreaming states, you will learn how to access your True Self.  Through theory and experience, you will move further into an image of your whole self, with the will and skill to manifest that image in life.  You will explore how your psychological functions move you forward toward wholeness, and have the opportunity to see where you may be blocked.  With specific techniques to play with, you will come away with deep tools for self-knowing, as well as tools you may use in your professional life.

The Astrological Moon: Adventures with the divine feminine with Matthew Wyman, PhD

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 10:00AM-2:00PM


The first astrology humanity had was lunar, and all cultures have worshipped a moon goddess. We now live in a solar world, where these roots are ignored and our natural cycles, intuitions, emotions and creativity are neglected.  Hands-on and interactive, no previous astrological knowledge necessary, this workshop explores your own astrological Moon through moon phases and life cycles, lunar myths, moon signs and their emotional habits, and your pre-birth lunation and finding your life's purpose.  

Dream Weaving with Herbal Allies with Lauren Herold, LMT

Friday, March 31, 2017 - 10:00AM-2:00PM


Everyone of us can dream, can remember our dreams, and can work with our dreams; this is a birth rite of all. The dreamtime is a time when the mind laid to rest, gives rise to the voice of soul. Learn how dreaming is a time when you are in deep conversation with the soul that you are, and how to be in relationship with this aspect of yourself.  Learn simple tools and techniques for quieting the gatekeeper of the mind to access the well of wisdom available in the dreamtime. Discover your herbal allies (plant medicines) to help improve dream recall, lucid dreaming and dream weaving. Learn to incorporate plant medicines into your dream-weaving walk.

Dreams & Synchronicities: Twin Guides to Our Intimate Relationships with H. Dean Lee, MA

Friday, March 31, 2017 - 10:00AM-2:00PM


Dreams are your one of most reliable and faithful guide in the twists and turns of your pursuit of love relationship.  Good relationship advice comes from your true self.  Learn how to work with your dreams as the spokesperson of our true self in order to receive the well meaning messages embedded therein and stay on your path of evolution and fulfillment.  Discover and explore how dreams and synchronicities guide you through your relationships. 

Voice Alchemy in Dreamwork with Sven Doehner, PhD, MFA

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 4:00PM-8:00PM


Experience transformation while exploring dream images with your own voice.  Exercise the imagination to hone the perceptive abilities required to actually see what you hear and listen to what you see.  Replace interpretations with different ways of resonating with your dreams, making palpable contact with invisible aspects of your images beyond the perceptive abilities of your ordinary state of consciousness.  Discover the vocal sounds implicit to your dream images; it is an unexpectedly fresh and deeply transformative experience.

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